The Problem with Millennials
12:21 AM
Us Millenials have the bad reputation of being “narcissistic, shallow, and entitled”. Articles christen us the ‘Me Me Me Generation’, they label us self-centered attention-seekers, and stereotype us as Starbucks-obsessed teenagers inseparable from our phones and social media.
We are notorious for our Selfies, our Hashtags, our Instagram feeds, and our inane Facebook walls.
But you know what’s the biggest problem with us Millennials? It’s that rest of the world is severely underestimating our generation.
Read any pseudo-intellectual piece about
Millennials online and it will tell you that our generation is horrible. They
dismiss us as uninvolved and irresponsible, spending our time always
half-immersed in the internet – posting vain pictures, raving about the hottest
trends, tweeting every trivial thought that comes to mind.
They typecast and cluster us all
together as the Selfie Generation, failing to realize that there’s more to us
than just the vapid and superficial.
We are not self-centered and arrogant,
we simply want our voice to be heard. We say
what we want to say, we waste no time to convey our feelings and opinions as
honestly as we can on our social media platforms. #TBH, we millenials wear our
hearts on our sleeve, or more appropriately on our Facebook walls and Instagram
feeds, with #NoFilters whatsoever.
We don’t over-share, we cherish
memories. We
fill our walls with pictures of #SquadGoals and smiling selfies because we are
deeply sentimental and nostalgic. That’s why we take pictures any chance we get
- to preserve memories, to capture little happy moments. We love to share our
trips and journeys because we want to show our appreciation of life.
Millennials see the world through different eyes each day, welcoming every
tomorrow as another adventure.
We are not lazy and unfocused, we are
Creative. Most millennials aspire for more
than the usual professional jobs. We aspire to be artists, writers, dancers
because we want an outlet for self-expression. We detest the 9 to 5 grind
because we feel it stifles us and limits our creativity. We take on hobbies
such as typography,
caligraphy, or sketching, we dabble in
creative writing and poetry, we curate our Instagram feeds as if it were our
own personal galleries – all because we want to express how we feel on a day to
day basis.
We are not earnest and naive, we are
Passionate. When we find our true calling, we
push for it no brakes, caution to the wind. We want to build something ourselves
from the ground up – communities, initiatives, and movements. In all of us is
the innate potential to lead and persuade people, to set trends and make a
difference. We aim to be Leaders, Influencers, and Movers. We set ambitious
goals for ourselves because we sincerely believe we can achieve them with
enough hard work.
We are not narcissistic, we just want
to leave a mark. Individuality is the virtue
we value the most. We want to be unique, to be able to stand out in a crowd,
and to establish a personal brand. We constantly want to broaden our horizons
and expand our circle of friends. We pursue becoming well-rounded people, both
#BookSmart and #StreetSmart, with plenty of interests and ambitions, driven by
passion, purpose, and heart. #Puso
We are Millennials, call us what you
want – the Selfie Generation, “narcissistic and entitled”, the wasted youth. Vastly misunderstood and underestimated,
we're still doing our best to make a difference in this world. We may be young
and a little narcissitic, and approach things differently, but we're doing our
best all the same. This is just how we do.